A strike leads to a jump-hug from this Little Sister!
Over 70 Bigs and Littles bowled together at at Colonial Lanes in Iowa City on Wednesday, having fun and strengthening connections while enjoying strikes, strikeouts, and slices of Papa Murphy’s pizza.
Big Brothers Big Sisters interns Monica West and Tanner Smith created the 4-H/BBBS Bowling Night for Littles and Bigs like Jill Kromminga, who said it was the 1st time her 13-year-old Little had ever bowled.
“She was 1 pin better than me!” Kromminga laughed.
Kromminga also noted the event was also good for those who had bowled before, such as one Little Brother who originally feared coming because of recent shootings, but who decided to attend anyway.
From the very first Little throw, a strike, Bigs and Littles of all ages had fun participating together. In their first 6 months together, every Big and Little pair is required to attend at least 1 group event, which are always free or low-cost. Many Bigs and Littles choose to attend group events regularly.
The next evening of fun is Thursday August 9th, save the date!
We will have active outdoor fun (kickball? soccer? ultimate frisbee? other? let us know your ideas!) and ice cream at the Johnson County Fairgrounds, 6-7:30 pm, with an indoor backup plan in case of poor weather. Possibly giveaways as well (T-shirts, books, etc.) Details forthcoming on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, through our Events page calendar, or via your Mentoring Specialist!
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Johnson County also wants to say Thank You! to those bowlers who gave donations for the pizza on Wednesday; this allows us to host delicious and fun future events for the Littles, Bigs, and families we serve.
Great job, Monica and Tanner! Enjoy pictures below, or watch a 1-minute video with highlights here!